Message from the President
広島 大朝復活の酒蔵
Hiroshima Oasa Resurrection Sake Brewery
Thanks to the support and corporation of many people, Fukumitsu Sake Brewery revived on April 27, 2019, after the 13 years of dormancy. We are happy to be able to release our doburoku, “Asahikari” and “Oni Kikkawa.” In 2020, however, we had to face a wall due to the pandemic of COVID 19.
In order to bear up under the difficult situation, we have been taking on various challenges such as crowd-funding. Thank you very much for those who have kindly supported us by purchasing our products!
This year, we are brewing 2 types of Junmai-Ginjo style doburoku using different kinds of yeasts. (“Junmai” means pure rice, and “Ginjo” means that the rice used for brewing is polished more than 40%.) We are also brewing doburoku using Kimoto method, a traditional brewing method used for over 400 years. Please look forward to the release of our upgraded Asahikari!
My name is Hiroyasu Fukumitsu, the fourth brewer of Fukumitsu Sake Brewery.
Our storehouse is located in Oasa, Kitahiroshima Town, 40 km north of Hiroshima City.
The altitude is high on the prefectural border with Shimane prefecture, and there are four ski resorts in the town.
It is one of the leading rice fields in the prefecture, and is blessed with good water, so you can enjoy delicious sake for a long time.
It started with the cultivation of rice and grapes, which are the raw materials for sake, and was finally completed with the support of many wonderful friends, such as brewing doburoku and wine, bottling, and labeling.
Since I am the only employee, I think there are many points that cannot be reached, but I will do my best to revitalize the sake brewery and the region.
Thank you for your patronage.
Hiroshima Oasa
Une brasserie de saké ressuscitée après une longue fermeture
Je m'appelle Hiroyasu Fukumitsu, le quatrième brasseur de la brasserie de saké ‘Fukumitsu’.
Notre brasserie de saké est située à Oasa, ville de Kitahiroshima, à 40 km au nord de la ville d'Hiroshima.
L'altitude est élevée à la frontière préfectorale avec la préfecture de Shimané, et il y a quatre stations de ski dans la ville.
C'est l'une des principales zones rizicoles de la préfecture, et elle est dotée d'une bonne eau. C’est pour cela qu’un saké de bonne qualité a été brassé ici pendant longtemps.
En commençant par la culture du riz, matière première pour saké et des raisins, matières premières pour le vin et en passant par le brassage du ‘Doburoku(saké boueux)’ et la vinification aussi bien que l’embouteillage et l’étiquetage, etc., nous avons enfin atteint la renaissance de la brasserie de saké avec l’aide de nombreux merveilleux camarades.
Malgré que je sois le propriétaire et le seul employé, je ferai mon mieux pour revitaliser ma brasserie de saké ainsi que notre région.
Merci d’avance pour votre parrainage.